
CHP system runs on biogenic pyrolysis oil

An international consortium in the EU research project "SmartCHP" has developed the prototype of a cost-effective and flexible energy system for generating electricity and heat on the basis of combined heat and power (CHP). This is a motorized CHP system that was operated with pyrolysis oil from biomass residues (fast pyrolysis bio oil, FPBO).

24. June 2024|

Electrification of thermal processing plants

The use of renewable electricity to electrify processes and the hybrid operation of industrial furnaces with electricity and hydrogen raises new questions, such as the stresses on the materials used in furnace construction. The Dechema Research Institute and OWI Science for Fuels gGmbH want to find answers in the current “MatELHeat” research project.

11. June 2024|

Wastewater treatment plant to produce green methanol

The aim of the current research project " E-BO(2)T " is to demonstrate the technology for the production of green methanol at the wastewater treatment plant in Bottrop. The building of a power-to-methanol (PtM) demonstration plant is in planning, which would cover the entire process of producing carbon-neutral methanol.

Model library of thermal processes

As part of a current research project "ProcessLIB“ OWI Science for Fuels gGmbH is developing a library of numerical models of thermal processes. The aim here is to unlock till now unrealized energy-saving potential in the thermal process sector and help reduce its CO2 footprint.

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