OWI advocates technology-open research
27 May 2019 – On 14 May 2019, at the invitation of the OWI Oel-Waerme-Institut gGmbH, a meeting of expert group 2 of the German Federation of Industrial Research Associations (AIF) took place in Herzogenrath. AiF and its member associations guarantee a qualified evaluation of projects of the Industrial Collective Research (Industrielle Gemeinschaftsforschung und -entwicklung -IGF). The pre-competitive IGF is organised in the innovation network of AiF and its 100 research associations and supported by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy (BMWi) with public funds.
AiF´s expert group 2 deals with applications in the field of process engineering and energy technology. The experts meet regularly for confidential and impartial evaluation of submitted research proposals and discuss their eligibility for funding.
As the host of the last meeting, OWI Managing Director, Elmar Pohl, briefly introduced the Oel-Waerme-Institut to the 24 participating experts. With the “Future Fuels Research Cluster”, Elmar Pohl explained a current focus of research at OWI. OWI has combined projects in the cluster in which greenhouse gas-reduced fuels and combustibles as well as innovative application technologies for mobility and domestic heating are developed. These include, for example, the development of new low-CO2 petrol and diesel fuels as well as fuel oils and efficient propulsion and heating technologies. Elmar Pohl appealed for technology-open research that would achieve the best ecological, economic and social solutions for meeting the targets of the Paris climate protection agreement and those of the German government.