Efficient thermoprocessing with green energy sources

Also this year OWI will present itself at the joint booth of the Forschungsgemeinschaft Industrieofenbau e.V. – FOGI at the THERMPROCESS in Düsseldorf. You will find us from 12 to 16.06.2023 in hall 9 at booth C42. Feel free to contact us in advance if you would like to make an appointment for a personal meeting at the fair!

Combustion technologies also remain indispensable in thermoprocessing, but in the future they will be powered by new green energy sources such as hydrogen or ammonia. Existing energy saving potentials can be leveraged with systematic efficiency improvements through the integration of energy storage systems, process optimization through thermoacoustic sensor technology and adaptation of material compatibility to new energy carriers

The OWI booth with people.
In 2023, OWI will again present itself at the joint stand of Forschungsgemeinschaft Industrieofenbau e.V. – FOGI at THERMPROCESS in Düsseldorf. Photo: OWI

OWI Science for Fuels conducts application-oriented research and development to bring new climate-neutral energy sources and innovative efficiency technologies from basic research to technical maturity. The goal is technically mature, low greenhouse gas and low-emission solutions.