Research and academic exchange with Indian university

12 April 2022 – OWI Science for Fuels gGmbH and Tec4Fuels GmbH in Herzogenrath will co-operate in the future with the National Institute of Engineering (NIE) in Mysore, India. The co-operation agreement, which was signed at the end of March, serves to promote research and technical innovations, academic exchange and entrepreneurial commitment on the part of students and lecturers.

In addition to education and training, the objective of the co-operation includes the implementation of development projects as well as research on new technologies and consulting activities. It covers renewable energy, alternative and synthetic fuels, the use and storage of hydrogen, fuel cell and electrolysis systems, and fluid condition monitoring. The co-operation is expected to result in start-up companies that develop sustainable and competitive products and bring them to market. In addition, Tec4Fuels, OWI and NIE also intend to cooperate in

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Those present during the virtual signing of MoU included Mr. Ranganath, NIE president; Mr. Udayshankar, secretary; Mr. N.V. Raghavendra, Principal; Dr. Ganesh Prasad, vice-principal; and Prof. Shamsundar. Tec4Fuels was represented by Dr. Klaus Lucka, Managing Partner; while OWI was represented by Dr. Wilfred Plum, Managing Director, and Dr. Sangeetha Ramaswamy, Head of International Relations. Photo: NIE-CREST, Mysuru.

establishing centres of excellence in the aforementioned technologies, positioning themselves in the market for sustainable energy products.

OWI co-operates with NIE

The co-operation is not new territory for the partners. It follows on from an initial agreement in 2011, which involved academic exchange and the joint implementation of research projects in the field of renewable fuels. The successful cooperation is a good basis for continuing and expanding the joint activities.

As a renowned private educational institution, the National Institute of Engineering provides high-quality technical training. Tec4Fuels is a center of excellence for conventional and renewable energy sources, and their use in existing and new technologies. OWI Science for Fuels, a non-profit research institution and affiliated institute of RWTH Aachen University, develops concepts and technologies in the fields of energy-efficient use of liquid conventional and alternative fuels, and innovative efficiency technologies.