Thermo Process Technology

… is the key for product quality …

… and guarantees the fulfilment of the specified properties of the goods manufactured with it. Moreover, thermal process plants must achieve high yields with good material and energy efficiency under sustainable conditions and thus also meet ecological and economic targets. OWI supports plant operators and furnace manufacturers in the ongoing optimization and further development of heat processing plants and develops marketable and competitive solutions.

Through a long tunnel, which shimmers reddish due to fire on the left and right walls, .large metal plates move over metallic rollers.
The OWI experts in the fields of heat processing technology, materials as well as calculations and modelling and simulation are sought-after contacts in industry. Photo: VDM Metals GmbH

Our services

The experts in the fields of thermal process technology, materials, calculations and numerical simulation at OWI are sought-after contacts in the industry for these fields of work. We support plant manufacturers and operators in the survey and interpretation of process data. Numerical process models contribute to a deeper understanding of physical processes and enable the development of intelligent, model-based control concepts. In addition, we can support the design of highly stressed components with our materials engineering know-how. As a rule, the focus is on high operational reliability with minimum energy input in order to achieve an economically optimal solution. The OWI supports the design and optimization of industrial combustion processes with the aid of energy balances, flow simulations, strength calculations, material investigations and experimental tests on model burners.